Are You Struggling With Sisterhood Wounding?

Awhile back, I had never heard of sisterhood wounding. One of my great coaches introduced the concept and we did some work around it. Sisterhood wounding is the trauma we experience from unhealthy relationships with other women. This happened to me so much in my life and I had no idea of the complexity of this that I was carrying.

I remember being in junior high school. A girl friend shared with others something I told her about my body, something really personal. Of course, the information became quite twisted as it went through the grapevine and ended up in the hands of some very mean kids. This led to name calling, public shaming, and even harassment. It was extremely traumatizing. My mom suffered from depression at the time, so I had no adult to turn to. My other young girl friends did their best to comfort me, yet this was really big for me and the trauma lasted into high school until I made some different friends.

Honestly though, I think this shifted my trusting of women for a long time. I guarded myself from sharing personal things. I protected my heart from being broken again in this way. I lost out on relationships that would have likely supported me, because of the fear of further trauma.

I could name multiple other times when women hurt me as a teenager and older adult. Now I know that they were struggling with their own stuff and understand a lot better, and it didn’t change the wounding that occurred.

I think most of us in this culture have similar stories. It can often feel like other women are out to get us, bring us down, or dampen out our light.

The good news is that this is shifting.

Many women are sick and tired of this behavior and are committing to doing things a different way. Women are forming groups and communities to support one another and bring each other up.

I am doing my part with this by creating my new online membership program, The Sacred Terrain Sisterhood. This online community and growth space is for women looking for a new tribe, a place where you can be yourself…the good, the bad, and the ugly.

We will learn together, meditate together, and most of all help each other heal the wounds of sisterhood so that we can open our hearts to greater love, trust, and forgiveness.

This new sisterhood opens this Monday, October 14. I’d love to have you join us. Click this link to learn more and sign-up at the introductory rate.

Please also share this with your friends who might need support like this too, so we can put an end to sisterhood wounding once and for all!

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