Healing Ancestral Lines

One of the things I never expected about working with women in the pelvic bowl is how much ancestral information is stored there.

For the mother line, it makes a lot of sense. You were inside your grandmother as one of your mother’s eggs. Amazing.

It’s less clear for the father line, yet the clearing process is the same.

My process for clearing the family lines is a conglomeration of the teachings from Tami Kent, past coaching experiences, all the things I’ve read, and most importantly, my years of experience in working with the female body in this way.

It feels more important than ever to clear away ancestral beliefs from our bowls. I don’t know about you, but I’m feeling pretty grumpy with my ancestors. As a white woman of European descent, there’s no doubt that my ancestors owned slaves and took land away from native peoples. And, they passed their beliefs down the family line and caused the unwanted racism that lives within me because of where I come from and how I was raised.

As I address my own white privilege and inner racism, one of the things I’m addressing is any of these energies that I’m holding in my pelvic bowl.

You can do this while you’re doing a Pelvic Bowl Meditation. Ask to be shown where you’re holding onto ancestral beliefs and energies. See them moving out of your bowl and back into the earth where they’ll be transmuted into something beautiful. Once they’re clear, fill those now empty spaces with loving energy for all people. Ask to be shown what your part can be to bring equality, respect, and complete freedom for people of color in this country and around the world. Stay quiet and really listen.

This is in no way meant to be all that we do to help our sisters and brothers of color. It’s a starting place. And, once the energies of the ancestors are clear, we are no longer clouded by their ways of thinking and being. We can be clear to know what is truly ours to address so that we can do the learning and make the changes that are needed.

This process also works if you are a person of color and have ancestors that were directly affected by racism and for healing your own personal experiences.

If you want help clearing ancestral energies from your pelvic bowl, consider working with me in person or online. I know we have a long way to go. The starting place is within our own bodies.

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