Energetic Cords

When I was first training in Holistic Pelvic Care™ and Holistic Pelvic Energy™, the energy work was very intimidating. I had always been a science girl and had only been working in the energetic realms for a couple of years. I had seen some powerful manifestations in my life from affirmations and visualizations, but I had no idea what was meant by energetic clearing or energy work in general, actually.

I remember my teacher telling us, “No matter what you do, you’re going to help women with this work”. So, I trusted and I got started. It only took a few sessions to connect with the pelvic bowl energy. There are flows, patterns, and and blocks that can easily be read. Now I connect to the energy part of the work the most, because it’s what really brings the transformation. Yes, the pelvic floor massage is almost very important, but without the energy work, I couldn’t help women the way I do.

One of the things I say during a session or when leading a pelvic bowl meditation is to pay attention to random people who show up when you’re visualizing inside your bowl. Often parents, past partners, siblings, and friends will present. Sometimes, it’s easy to connect and move the energy of these people out of the bowl, and sometimes it’s not, and we have to do some other work. One of the things we check is whether that person is attached energetically.

It may sound “out-there”, but often times, people in our lives will cord, hook, or chain themselves energetically to us. It’s not something you see on the physical plane, obviously, but when you look energetically, these cords are there. Usually the cords form from people who you have a hard time moving away from, who drain your energy when you’re with them, or who seem to haunt you from the past.

Through a simple visualization process, we can cut the cords, unhook the hooks, and break any chains. If you want to try it yourself, you can. After getting into a meditative state, see that person near you and notice if you see anything attaching the two of you. If you can, see what you need to do to release it. For example, if the cord looks like a regular rope, then some thick shears should cut it. Use whatever tool you think will release you. Once that’s done, see your energy returning to you and the other person’s energy returning to them and then walk away.

If you want more help and guidance, you can definitely book an online Pelvic Bowl Healing Session with me and I’ll guide you through and/or you can attend a free class I’m offering this week. On Thursday, April 9 at 12pm PST, my colleague Mikki Proffitt and I are offering our 2nd free online class together. This time, we’re discussing Cord Clearing & Matrix Reimprinting. I’ll lead you through a cord cutting visualization and then Mikki will guide us through matrix reimprinting, which uses a lot of the same concepts as Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT). Here’s how Mikki describes Matrix Reimprinting, “It’s a technique that connects people with their past traumas and core beliefs and elegantly enables them to transform them into supportive platforms for their lives. Whereas EFT is like watching a movie, matrix reimprinting is like being in a play.”

Once you cut the cords holding you back, you’ll be amazed at how much freedom you’ll feel. You can DIY, book a session, and/or attend our class. Regardless, I hope you’ll try it!

Please let your friends know too, so we can all be free from those who want to keep us keep us from being who we’re meant to be.

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