How Does Your Energy Flow?

Do you know how your energy flows?

Do you know when you’re up and when you’re down?

Do you understand when you’re more creative and when you’re not?

Most people don’t.

As I learned my pelvic bowl healing work, an important part was learning to work with my own personal energy. There are times when I’m full of outward energy, I’m flowing with creativity, and I’m really in the zone. There are also times when I don’t want to talk to anyone, I need giant bowls of popcorn, and I feel slow and need a lot of rest.

Growing up, I was trained to work and work and work. I never rested. I continued this into my 30s when I was a single mom to my small son, was going to nursing school and then grad school, and working full-time. After I graduated with my master’s and became a NP, my body had had enough.

I had no choice but to start listening and start resting when I needed to. I did my best with this and still found myself exhausted a lot of the time.

It wasn’t until I started tracking my energy that I finally got it.

I started keeping a journal of my menstrual cycle, the moon cycle, and my energy. At the end of every day I would (and still do!) write down what day of the cycle I’m on and what kind of energy I had that day.

Guess what, there is a rhythm and it’s very similar to what you would expect. Right before and during my menses (new moon energy), my energy slows way down. I want time to be alone and do my inner work. Then, after a few days, my energy raises and raises until it peaks around ovulation (full moon energy). Then, it slowly goes down again.

When I honor this rhythm, things in my life flow much more smoothly. When I know it’s my new moon energy time, I actually block my calendar. I plan time to take a salts bath. I process the previous cycle and make adjustments for the next one. I say no to things and make time for myself.

This has made a tremendous difference in my life!

When we don’t slow down, when we don’t process what didn’t work in the last cycle before we start the next one, we take it all with us and it accumulates. Many healers believe that this is the root of menstrual mood issues, cramps, and other menstrual difficulties.

You can practice this the same way using the cycles of the moon or whatever your energy cycle requires.

I challenge you to try this. Spend the next three months tracking your energy. Pay attention to your menstrual cycle if you have one and/or the moon cycle. See if you can take some time out during your low times and take full advantage of your creativity and vibrancy during the high times.

When things have accumulated and we haven’t been processing every month, we can need a little help moving and clearing. This is where The Sacred Terrain Pelvic Bowl Healing Sessions and Yoni Steams can come in. They both allow for gentle release and a reset of the energies in your bowl.

Let me know what you find out about you and your energy and how you use them to create your sacred life.

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