Menstrual Cycle Energies

When we pay attention to the different energies in each part of the menstrual cycle, we can harness the power of our cycle instead of ignoring, shunning, and disregarding the way we can use these energies. If you no longer have a menstrual cycle, you can harness the energies of the moon in the same way.

Here’s what happens in each phase of the menstrual cycle, what energies you can take advantage of, what activities are best during each phase, and appropriate herbs to use:
(Disclaimer: As always, this blog is mean for educational purposes only and you should always check with your personal health care practitioner before adding any new internal therapies to your health regimen)


Phase 1: Menstruation/Your Bleeding Time (Cycle days 0-3/7); Part of Follicular Phase; “New Moon Phase”

~Rapid decline in estrogen and progesterone causes uterine lining to shed
~Cervix firm, low, and slightly open

~Letting go of what hasn’t worked in previous cycles so you don’t carry it with you to the next cycle
~Relief and release
~Lower energy
~Natural biological cleansing is accompanied by psychological cleansing; may feel a need to organize home or work spaces; clearing out time (1)

~Time for increased self-care and love; keep energy for yourself first!
~Think about what you are releasing and consciously release it with your bleeding, especially if painful
~Gentle exercise like yoga or walking
~Enjoy a yoni steam to encourage release

~Cramp Bark: eases cramps by relaxing the uterine muscles
~Ginger: helps relieve congestion in reproductive system; relaxes uterus and eases cramps
~Yarrow: eases menstrual cramps; lessens heavy flow and stimulates late flow (has stimulating and sedative effects)


Phase 2: Follicular Phase (Cycle days 0-14); “Waxing Moon Phase”

~Surge of Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) and Luteinizing Hormone (LH) causing an egg to grow and develop
~Estrogen levels elevate
~Libido begins to increase

~Peak of expression in outer world
~Creativity is the highest; very optimistic
~Energy is outgoing and upbeat
~Filled with enthusiasm and new ideas
~Willing to fill role of helping others; sharing gifts

~Great time for planning, mental challenges, new beginnings/routines
~Start a new creative activity, classes
~Best time for social events, meetings, parties, putting yourself out there
~Initiate new projects
~Increase exercise, harder exercise

~Dong quai: nourishing to blood; strengthening to the uterus; useful for all menstrual irregularities; called “female ginseng” (4)
~Oatstraw: high in vitamins and minerals; to keep you grounded and connected
~Nettles: very high in vitamins and minerals; nourishing herb for all systems


Phase 3: Ovulation (Cycle day 14); “Full Moon Phase”

~Peak of FSH and LH and testosterone
~Most fertile time
~Secrete hormones that increase sexual attractiveness
~Libido highest
~Likely increase in left-hemisphere (verbal fluency) (1)

~Mental and emotional creativity at their peaks
~Receptive to new ideas; more “fertile” (1)
~Energy and personal skills highest
~Playful energies present
~Increased confidence
~More desire for connection

~Have important conversations, hold challenging meetings
~Great time for socializing
~Public speaking
~Fun dates
~Connecting with others
~Enjoy a yoni steam to encourage inspiration


Phase 4: Luteal Phase (Cycle Days 14-28); “Waning Moon Phase”

~Estrogen and progesterone rise to peak at day 21 and then slowly decline

~Time for “seeing in the dark”; lunar information is reflective and intuitive from dreams, emotions, hungers (1)
~Evaluative and reflective time; in tune with inner knowing and what isn’t working in our lives (1)
~Dreams are often more frequent and more vivid
~We are more detail-oriented
~*When we block the information coming to us in this part of the cycle, it has no choice but to come back as PMS or “menstrual madness” (1)
~Energy conservation, slowing
~Able to speak our truth more clearly

~Look back on what is created and on the negative or difficult aspects of our lives that need to be changed or adjusted
~Do more routine tasks that don’t require much input from others or expansive thoughts; check things off the to-do list; complete deadlines
~Time to develop or give birth to something that comes from deep within ourselves (1)
~Spend time along and rest
~Good time for supporting the liver’s detox mechanisms
~Slower exercise, such as yoga and walking

~Burdock: blood purifier; increases circulation; aids liver functions; thought to be a plant of protection and healing
~Dandelion: high in plant estrogens (4); root aids liver detoxification; leaf for water retention
~Mugwort: liver stimulant and digestive aid; affiliated with the dream world (put in dream pillows to activate and stimulate dreams)


Phase 5: Pre-menstruation Phase (Cycle Days 26-28)

~Estrogen and Progesterone decline to their lowest levels to prepare uterus for shedding

~“Veil between the worlds of the seen and unseen, the conscious and unconscious is thinner”; we have access to parts of our often unconscious selves that are less available at other times of the month (1)
~Greater access to “our magic”; our ability to recognize and transform the more difficult and painful areas of our lives and tune to what is more meaningful
~We are more apt to cry, but these tears are reminders of what is truly meaningful to us
~The painful and uncomfortable issues that arise pre-menstrually are always real and must be addressed

~Take time for quiet meditation and reflection
~Send energy to the painful areas of your life

~Red Raspberry leaf: tonifies uterus, prepares it for cleansing; high in vitamins and minerals to prepare for bleeding
~Motherwort: “mothers you”; “sedative and stimulant for pre-menstrual stress, tension, delayed menstruation, water retention, and PMS” (4)
~Skullcap: calms the nervous system; eases PMS; helps insomnia if used as tea


Interested in learning more about the magical awareness available to you during your menstrual cycle?

Join me and many other women healers in a free summit that starts on June 15:

“Awakening to the Power of the Menstrual Cycle”



1) Website:

2) Website:

3) Website:

4) Book: Herbal Healing for Women by Rosemary Gladstar

5) Book: Hygieia: A Woman’s Herbal by Jeannine Parvati

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