Mother Earth Will Hold You…If You Let Her.

As I lie among the trees, I run my grounding cord down into the earth and I allow Mother Earth and her energy to ascend the cord and fill my bowl.

Then, I remember…
I remember who I am.
I remember that I’m supported.
I remember that I’m never alone.

I can let go…
Let go of the need for perfection.
Let go of the the stresses of running a small business.
Let go of the expectations of the coming holiday season–the inevitable busyness with parties, gifts, and travel.
Let go of the need to prove myself, to prove my worthiness.

She’s been there all along…whispering,
beckoning me outside,
welcoming me into her womb of safety,
nudging me to..

remember and let go.

Mother Earth is there…she will hold you…if you let her.

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