New Moon in Taurus

This Wednesday, April 22 at 7:26pm PST is the New Moon in Taurus. New moons are when the moon is at its darkest point, so can be used for two main purposes:

  1. To check in with your dark side and see if anything is ready to let go.
  2. To plant your seeds of intention for the coming moon cycle.

For me these two purposes are going hand-in-hand during this time of being under a stay-at-home order. I’ve been especially good at keeping with my work routines. I’ve written my newsletters, posted in my groups, done some live videos, been on many online meetings, and even applied to insurance companies to get credentialed to be in-network with them so many of my sessions will be covered.

What I haven’t been as good about moving my body and avoiding inflammatory foods.

I’ve been going easy on myself about this. It’s been okay to self-soothe with chips. It’s been harder to get into an exercise routine without the consistency of my class at my gym three days a week, so it felt okay to cut myself some slack. It’s not feeling okay to continue like this. My body and my soul are calling out for a new normal.

In my past, I’ve often set very high intentions. For example, in this case, I might be tempted to set a rigorous exercise schedule, say I’m going to stop eating all carbs, and beat myself up when I didn’t do it. Now, I simply return to my pelvic bowl for the answers. All the wisdom I need is right here with me.

Even a 5-minute check in with the energy in your bowl can ground you, help you feel more safe, and give you some guidance as to what your body and soul truly need. Almost every time I ask my left ovary what is needed, the answer is “rest”.

The left ovary is the side I urge you to connect with this week. This is the feminine side of your bowl and the one responsible for your sustenance. Asking for answers here will help you understand what you can do to provide the nourishment your body and soul may be longing for.

When I asked my left ovary what is needed most for my sustenance, the answer was “breathe”. I do find myself holding my breath more often right now. When we hold our breath or don’t breathe deeply, we can also tighten our root. When the root is tightened, there’s a feeling of “holding on for dear life”. Seems pretty appropriate right now, huh? Safety is the emotion of the root chakra and with most of us feeling unsafe and unsure right now, it makes sense.

So, my new moon intention is going to be to breathe. I’m intending to start my days with some breathing exercises. My guess is that this will not only relax my mind, body, soul, it will also relax my root, allow me to feel more safe and secure. I’m guessing that this will then release the need to self-soothe with food and likely also make it easier to connect with how my body would like me to move.

It’s that simple.

One shift can bring a series of shifts and the one shift is usually not that extreme.
So, what does your left ovary want you to do for your sustenance? With this Taurus energy, it’s a great time to ask. Taurus is the sign of the bull. When left alone, the bull will graze merrily, eat greens, lie in the sun, and saunter around with no care for anyone or anything else. Where can you be more like the bull?

Every new and full moon, I lead rituals online with a small group of women in The Sacred Terrain Sisterhood. We set a sacred space for our circle and then connect with the energies of that moon. We set intentions, release what’s no longer needed, and share our joys and struggles with one another. It’s fun and nourishing. If you’d like to join us, we’d love to have you, click this link for more information.

Please feel free to comment below what your intention will be for this new moon cycle and share this post with your friends who might need the reminder, as well.

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