Root Chakra Connection

Every morning I sit silence for at least a few minutes. I take some time to breathe, ask my body and soul what is needed for the day, set my intentions, and ensure that I’m fully grounded.

To get grounded, I do the same thing I do with every client in a pelvic bowl healing session. I picture a grounding cord or tree roots going from my own root deep into the earth. After working with my pelvic bowl for many years now, this is usually the easiest and fastest part of my morning ritual. Not today….

Today, I saw nothing, no cord, no roots, nothing. Honestly, my first reaction was annoyance and I tried to force a cord into view. Nope.

So, I had to release the judgement and ask the questions:
What is really going on here?
Why am I really disconnected?
What do I need to be, know, perceive, or receive in order to reconnect with the Mother Earth energy?

I asked about safety and security, the two things most commonly understood about the root chakra. I got that this was playing a small part with all that’s going on in the world, but it didn’t feel like those were the main causes for this disconnection today. I stayed with it. After a few minutes of just being with my bowl, the answer came…disconnection from group.

One of the facets of the root chakra that’s less talked about is how it connects us to our groups or tribes. It may have to do with our family of origin. More commonly, it has to do with the safety and security we get from being part of any tribe. It’s the deep level of connection we feel with other like-minded souls or friends who really “get us”.

Of course. I laughed out loud. Makes sense, right?

I haven’t seen any of my sisters in person since this started. I miss my tribe.

There’s not much I can do about this right now. We won’t be able to congregate for awhile yet, so what to do?

Today, I’ll do 2 things:

  1. I’ll spend time actually sitting on the earth. When our grounding cord becomes unattached, it helps to get closer to the earth. I’ll spend time in the garden with my hands in the dirt. I’ll ask the Great Mother to send the cord up to me instead of forcing it down to her.
  2. I’ll sit in meditation and call in the energy of my sisters. Visualization is a very powerful tool. I’ll remember what it feels to be surrounded by loving support and I’ll allow that energy to circle and flow around me. Our sisters are always with us in spirit. This will be my reminder.

I’m very grateful for technology during these times. It has certainly kept us more connected than if this was all going on without the internet. The difference is in the energy of being together. Perhaps we can all be more conscious to take some time to feel each other’s energy when we’re connecting online?

We do this already twice monthly in our Sacred Terrain Sisterhood moon rituals. These online circles allow us to go deep with each other even through technology. It’s easier to do this when you open sacred space and consciously call in earth energy and with the help from all of our guides. If you’re looking for sisterhood connection right now, we’d love to have you join us in our sacred circles. We meet twice monthly on the new and full moons. This full moon, we’re allowing guests to try it for free this Wednesday, May 6 at 4:30pm PST. Message me if you’d like to attend.

It’s not that we can’t connect over technology. It’s that we have to set the intention and allow ourselves to stop long enough to feel the energy that connects us all the time. I’m setting the intention now to be more conscious about this in all of my online interactions right now.

What other ideas do you have for root connection today? Please share them in the comments below and share this reminder with your sisters who might be feeling a lack of tribe connection right now, too.

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