Who Needs Some Sisterhood?

Before the modern era, we all lived in communities. Women were close to each other to offer support, help, and guidance.

Now, we are separated. Many women go whole days without connecting to anyone outside their homes. This separation is causing is loneliness.

Current studies are proving that loneliness can actually make you sick, and that being a part of a supportive community can literally increase your life expectancy.

The problem is….how do we find those communities.?

Many of our families connected through their spiritual communities. They went to church on Sundays, and likely at least one other day through the week. Because of their religious affiliation, they were granted an automatic tribe.

If you already have a supportive community, I’m so happy for you. My guess is that many women reading this do not.

If you’re like me, the religion of my childhood no longer fits. I base my spirituality more in meditation, nature, the changing of the seasons, the moon cycles, etc. So, this means less easy access to community and therefore, builds loneliness.

I also see and sense this lack of community in the women I work with. They are trying to figure it all out alone, they often have no one to turn to on a bad day, and they yearn for connection.

For the past several years, I have been holding weekly to monthly Circles in my office to allow women to connect and feel supported. This has been truly wonderful! I enjoy these Circles immensely and so do the women who attend.

I want to bring this sense of community to more women, while also offering guidance and spiritual support, so I have created The Sacred Terrain Sisterhood. This online community will fill the void of loneliness, while also providing an outlet for spirituality that many of us feel lacking.

The Sisterhood includes monthly content on topics such as pelvic bowl healing and empowerment, working with the menstrual and moon cycles, and creating ceremony and ritual in your own life. We will have an online monthly Circle to come together for a meditation, reflection, and connection. And, we will be there for each other regularly through a private Facebook group.

My hope is that through this Sisterhood, we not only feel more fulfilled in our spiritual lives, we feel fulfilled in our emotional lives. We need each other. I don’t want any woman to feel alone again.

If this feels like something you require in your life, I hope you will join us!
The Sacred Terrain Sisterhood opens Monday, October 14. I am offering a low introductory price of just $17/month for anyone who joins before the opening. If you think about it, that’s the price of one nice lunch out a month to get to be in community and receive monthly guidance and support.

Click here to learn more and join now and please invite your friends to join as well, so we can build the most supportive community possible.

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